UNCHAINED: Empowering European Law Enforcement with CIT Fast Platform

On the 11th of July MBS was invited to Spain to present the analysis software CIT fast platform, to support research activity. MBS took part in the UNCHAINED project: Train the trainers, this training took place at the Artillery Barracks of the city of Murcia, organized by the Euro-Arab Foundation and the Murcia Police.


Initially, the prosecutor Silvia Benito Reques addressed the issue of the fight against trafficking in human beings, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between countries, then our investigative technology was presented, which allows effective analysis of big data and open-source intelligence.


The goal of MBS in these kinds of projects is to raise awareness among European law enforcement agencies on how to use a single information sharing platform. To date CIT is used in THB, drug, mafia, or other crime related cases. Our analysis tool is quite complete, as it is the result of continuous requests for adaptation of the system by judicial police operators, at the same time it is easy to use, all is done with a simple drag and drop motion, or a mouse click.


Furthermore, on 19 July 2023, again in cooperation with the UNCHAINED project, MBS carried out a remote intervention at the School of Public Administration in Bremen, Germany. In this case the new generation of police officers got to know and understand the potential of the CIT software.

MBS hopes that this new generation of police officers, who have shown great interest in our software, will use our tool for their work.


Supporting and making a valuable contribution to a rapid resolution of cases remains our company mission.


Article reference: https://projects.fundea.org/en/category/projects/en-bigosint/